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Hall of Fame

The children in year 6 are having the opportunity to be celebrated in their class's "Hall of Fame".

Each class has a noticeboard where their work will be showcased to the rest of the class. When a child in the class completes a fantastic piece of work, the class teacher will display their work for all to see. In HB15, we can see the wonderful work of our persuasive adverts and research on Manaus being celebrated. In HB14, they have commemorated the tricky maths problems being solved and the theme work about the Maya civilisation. In HB13, their outstanding holiday brochures are being displayed and in HB16, there is a marvellous exhibit of vivacious vocabulary brightening their walls.

Congratulations to all the children that have produced their ‘wow’ piece of work so far. We look forward to seeing many more decorate our classroom walls.