Science day

In year 3 today we explored what it means to be a scientist, answering the question "what is science?" and carrying out a range of different experiments throughout the day to investigate how things work in the real world.
In HB1, children learnt about buoyancy, making Cartesian divers and exploring how air can be used and manipulated to enable items to sink and float. Children made links with the mechanics used in submarines and scuba diving, dabbling in the world of forces (more to come on that later this term!).
In HB2, children were immersed in the world of biology, mainly how creatures are adapted to survive in a range of climates. What sort of creature could survive on Mars? Our year 3s could tell you! They made fantastic links with our previous animals and plant units, looking at the climatic features of the red planet to influence the design of their very own Martians.
On to HB3, where the children enjoyed a second physics experiment: hovercrafts! Using a range of everyday objects, they were able to replicate the upthrust and movement of hovercrafts by building their own. They then tested how efficiently their vehicles were able to move across a range of different surface textures.
Last but certainly not least, when in HB4 the children enjoyed the freezing cold world of ice cream! Their challenge was to make their own, using just cream, ice and sheer determined strength. Would adding salt to the ice bag make a difference to the outcome? What are the chemical reactions taking place? The children were amazed at the simplicity of the science and - of course - enjoyed a teeny sample of their efforts afterwards.
How wonderful to see them so engaged and enthused by the wonderful world of science - ready and raring to go with the rest of our summer units of work. Well done year 3...or should we say, Super Scientists!