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Year 3 Blog 2023/24

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  • Year 3 celebrates World Book Day

    Published 13/03/24, by Year Leaders

    Books! Books! Books! 

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  • Tower of London Trip

    Published 12/03/24, by Year Leaders

    Last week, year 3 journeyed off to London for a fantastic trip.

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  • In full swing!

    Published 15/02/24, by Year Leaders

    Rehersals are well under way for our production of Alice The Musical. 

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  • A piece of cake!

    Published 02/02/24, by Year Leaders

    Year 3 maths - Fractions

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  • Paper Kings and Queens

    Published 02/02/24, by Ellie Frost

    Year 3 have totally wowed our art teacher Mrs Carter this week with their finished paper dolls and clothes.

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  • Scones! Glorious scones!

    Published 30/01/24, by Year Leaders

    Last week, we had a fantastic time baking scones.

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  • Rehearsals are underway!

    Published 19/01/24, by Ellie Frost

    Extra-curricular clubs started this week and with them, the introduction of our acting and dancing lunchtime rehearsals and mindfulness making after school club who are focusing on creating props and costume additions for our production of Alice the Musical.

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  • Welcome back!

    Published 12/01/24, by Year Leaders

    Welcome to Spring term 2024!

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  • Year 3 Christingle

    Published 14/12/23, by Year Leaders

    Yesterday afternoon, the year 3 children made their Christingles.

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  • Homework projects

    Published 12/12/23, by Ellie Frost

    The year 3 team have been blown away by the homework projects that the children submitted for this half-term.

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  • Kicking off Christmastime celebrations!

    Published 07/12/23, by Year Leaders

    This week has been the start of Loughton School's Christmastime celebrations.

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  • Year 3 Carnival Time

    Published 01/12/23, by Year Leaders

    On Wednesday, the year 3 children went to their very own carnival!

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