Indian cooking day
On Friday 3rd March, the year 4 children and staff spent the morning preparing a feast of Indian food.
Our spring term topic allows us to immerse ourselves in the culture of this amazing country and the highlight every year is our Indian cooking day. HB5 prepared Coconut Barfi, HB6 made delicious vegetable samosas, HB7 made a vegetable curry and HB8 created a quorn biryani. Our year 4 VIPs worked with Miss Brago and made chappatis for us to eat with our feast.
All the children took part and used their skills and knowledge to cut, chop, fold, measure, weigh and cook. It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces during the day, especially during our feast in the hall at the end of the afternoon. The food was delicious and we were so proud of everyone for trying food which they don't normally eat and allowing us to celebrate the cultural diversity of the children in our school. We couldn't do this without the support of additional staff who gave up their breaks and lunchtimes to help get things ready.
One of our children commented "I loved the food and it was very creative. I like making the samosas because it was challenging but fun as well."