Year 4 Enterprise Day
The children had a successful enterprise day: baking, decorating and selling.
WOW! Year 4 had a very busy and productive day preparing pizzas on Thursday. Children learnt how to make pizza dough from scratch and decided which toppings to place on their pizza: vegan pepperoni, cheese, sweetcorn and pepper. Children were in small groups and had to prepare their dough with help from the excellent parent helpers. The children used scales to measure out the ingredients needed for their dough and then they took turns kneading the dough into a smooth ball. Once they had completed this, the children left the dough to rise. While the dough was rising, the children then decorated their pizza boxes ready for their finished uncooked pizza to go in. In the afternoon, the children had to add their toppings to their pizza and then packed them with cooking instructions (which they had already written) into their creatively designed boxes ready to sell after school. The children were excellent at selling the pizzas and we sold all the pizzas. Thank you for all of your support.