Instruction writing for Diwali Lamps
The children have enjoyed creating diwali lamps for their writing unit.
Year 4 have been fully immersed in their instructions writing unit for the last two weeks. We have been learning about the different features of instructions text and focussing on using precise verbs and adverbial phrases to inform the reader of their next steps. The children have been practising these skills by writing instructions for a newspaper pot plant and fantastic sentences have been displayed on our sentence stacking walls.
The children are now going to be writing their independent instructions utilising the features they have learnt in their writing lessons. We had an exciting lesson at the start of the week where we integrated our science skills and our knowledge from our Indian theme topic to create Diwali lamps. Children worked in their table groups to make a Diwali lamp. They had no instructions but they had examples of what their lamp should look like and they were supplied with the necessary equipment. Once they had created their lamp, they created a circuit (which they learnt to complete in their electricity lesson) to add light! They all used their creativity and made excellent lamps.
They will now be writing instructions on how to make their lamps. The year four teachers are looking forward to reading their informative independent instructions.