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Last week, the children worked in pairs to design and create a Roman catapult.

The children used their previous knowledge of the Romans and their catapults.  In their pairs, the children spent time designing and labelling their catapults. These designs were detailed and listed both the materials and equipment needed for their catapults.  The children then brought their designs to life and started to build their catapults using saws, glue guns, scissors and elastic bands.  They spent time focusing on catapult mechanisms and how they work. This STEM activity challenged the children to consider their catapult's power and how they could create momentum to launch an object the furthest and strike a target with the most accuracy.

This week, the children will take part in class and year group competitions to see whose catapult launches a marshmallow the furthest and whose catapult most accurately hits the target.


Here are some quotes from the children about their STEM experience!

"It's enjoyable to make a catapult linked to our topic about the Romans.  During STEM week, we get the chance to do more practical things and work together."

"I like how we get to make stuff without much help and all the ideas are our own."

"STEM week is fun because, if you are older, and you want to be an engineer, this is a good experience for us."

"It's really fun and creative.  I remember enjoying making carriages in year 3 as well."