Start Stomping!
Year 5 started the week with a bang, quite literally. STOMP were back in the building, giving the children the opportunity to play some percussive beats using items that could be easily found around the home or outside. Trays, pans, buckets and water bottles became the instruments of choice in making a range of drum beats and rhythms. Each class spent time learning how to play their instrument and produce a range of different sounds, rhythms and tempos. You could hear the joy and excitement from outside the hall and fun was had by all playing call and response, together and also whilst being led by children picked to be conductors. At the end of the day, the classes were reunited in the hall, where they all had the chance to perform to the year group, the rhythms they had learnt. It was wonderful to see the smiles and pride on their faces as they performed to their friends, peers and teachers.