All about Space!

Welcome back year 5!
Welcome back to our Autumn term, where we have been and will be continuing to learn all about Earth and Space. The children have already been working on writing an Astronaut's log in English, have been reading "George's key to the universe" by Lucy and Stephen Hawking in guided reading and have even been learning all about space in theme!
At the beginning of each topic in theme, the children create beautiful double-page spreads which include: what they already know, what they have learnt and what questions they have around the topic. Please have a look at some of the examples attached to this blog post for reference. These are a work in progress so they are not completely finished, the children have the opportunity to add as they learn and to fill in any answers to their questions.
Remember to ask your children about what they have been learning as this will allow them to retrieve this information from their memories!