Inspiring year 5 pupil shows kindness to our planet in beach clean up.

Year 5 unit of work on "reduce, reuse, recycle" inspires Lyla and her family to complete a beach clean up and create posters to encourage other people to do the same in order to look after our planet.
Thank you to Lyla's family who shared the photo and story about their recent heroic efforts to save our planet with the senior leaders and year 5 team at school. We LOVE to read and share news stories of our inspiring children. #notallheroeswearcapes
Lyla recently visited her Grandad in Scotland where she and her sister go and do beach cleans. Her grandparents live on a Loch and they go around the area once tide is out clearing any rubbish that has been left. She has done this the last few years we have been. Lyla does regularly take a bin bag out and litter picks in our local area and parks. As you can see they made some posters that her grandad's wife will be taking to a protest about plastic in the seas. Lyla even made a fantastic poster for the local pub in Tallevach in Scotland asking them to consider to switching their plastic straws.
Well done Lyla. Let us know if you hear of any positive changes your posters bring about.