Welcome to our new year 3 cohort

We are delighted to welcome you and your child to Loughton School as part of our year 3 2020 – 2021 cohort.
As a school, we have had to adapt rapidly over the past few weeks and we are currently only open to year 6 children, vulnerable pupils and children of critical workers. The rest of the children are using online learning platforms.
It is definitely an unusual and challenging time at the moment, and we know you and your child might be feeling worried about the transition into year 3 this September. We want to reassure you that we’re here for you every step of the way.
In order to follow the government's guidelines on the selected year groups returning along with our social distancing measures, we've had to adjust our arrangements for supporting this year’s transition. However, we hope the remote activities that we’ve planned will help put your child (and you) at ease and get them feeling as excited as we are for the new school year.
- Class teacher(s) information – please see the ParentMail which you will receive on Monday 29 June
- School video including some of the classrooms, where to hang your coat, where we go for lunch etc which you can view here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUe9SbXqBXM&feature=youtu.be
- Informative PowerPoint about joining Loughton School - see the attachment below
- Year 3 2020 – 2021 Padlet page. We will be using this page to communicate with you all. On the page will be transition activities so we can get to know each other and videos of staff members so your children can begin to recognize some of the adults they may meet in school. Please find the link here: https://padlet.com/mcneaneyc/year320202021
- School prospectus - you may also wish to look through our new school prospectus which gives you further information about our school: https://www.loughton.milton-keynes.sch.uk/page/?title=School+Prospectus&pid=151
If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s transition, please let us know by contacting our year 3 leader, Mrs McNeaney, on mcneaneyc@loughton.school or our headteacher, Rebekah Green, on greenr@loughton.school
We are so excited to meet you!