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'Let's Leap' sports activity morning

On 14th and 15th October, years 5 and 6 had a sports activity morning provided by 'Let's Leap Sports Academy' and the sessions certainly did not disapppoint. 

The session was jam-packed full of busy, high-energy activities such as secret agent dodgeball, soft archery and a nerf war challenge.  The children were fully engaged, enjoyed this experience and by the end of the session wanted to know when they could do it again! 


Secret Agent Dodgeball

We really enjoyed this activity which involved each team having a secret agent who could give extra lives to anybody who was hit by the ball. Once a team worked out who the opposition’s secret agent was, it became a tactical game to get that person out. Here are some comments from HB14 about this activity

  • “It was a very lively game with instant tactics”
  • “Dodgeball was an amazing team effort”
  • “It was fabulous; we don’t normally get to do things like this.”

Nerf Tag

We had a class Nerf Tag battle. There were huge inflatable barriers to hide behind and an unlimited supply of bullets. If you were hit you returned to base to do five star jumps before joining back into the game. People in the class said: “You had to be really quick to duck down before getting shot,” and “I feel that it was an opportunity to have a really good time with friends and to stay active.”


The class were separated into seven different groups. Everyone got to have a go at shooting. Some people got high scores like seventy-two and some people got lower scores but that didn’t matter as we all had a great time.

Let’s Leap want to come back into school soon and we will have just as much fun again if they do. Let’s Leap is an active group who make the children’s day as bright as the sun.

By Olivia W and Olivia R HB14


Having spoken to the children, their enjoyment was clear: 

"I have had the most amazing time ever!"   

"I had the best time of my life; the nerf gun battle was fab!"  

"It was amazing...utterly amazing!" 

"I absolutely loved the nerf gun battle - boys v girls."