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Whole school science day

What a buzz there was around the school the first day back after the May half term. The whole school, all children and staff, became scientists as part of a science day experience. This was to enhance their scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.

Each year group rotated around four activities and took part in weird and wonderful science experiments. In year 3 we had ice cream making, hovercrafts, flotation and chemical reactions. In year 4 we had pendulum timing, teddy bear zip lines, butter making and the Marangoi effect. In year 5 we had finger printing, camouflaging, making biodegradable plastic and volcanic eruptions. In year 6 we had micro-bits, making star consellations, making drink dispensers and magic milk. What a range!

This meant many areas of scientific knowledge were taught – melting and freezing, friction, environmental issues, adaptation, biometrics, chemical reactions, programming, air pressure, air and water resistance and molecules. The children were also able to practise many scientific investigative skills of fair testing, predicting, observations, questioning, recording and drawing conclusions.

Everyone was engaged and buzzing with enthusiasm. A lot of scientific learning went on and the whole day was a success. Do ask your child what their favourite science investagion of the day was and some of the new scientific vocabulary they have learned!

Mrs Ruggles and Miss Coppins

Science champions