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Current Affairs/PSHE enrichment

Today we were visited by Zoe and Paula from Loughton and Great Holm's parish council. They came to meet some of our year 5 children to discuss the importance of D-day as Thursday 6 June marks 80 years since D-day (the beginning of the end) of WWII. As part of their visit, they gifted Loughton School an anniversary lamp of peace which was lit during our assembly and reflection time. The reason this lamp was gifted is to represent the light of peace that emerged from the darkness of war.

Zoe and Paula were very impressed with the knowledge our year 5 children already had about WWII and the significance of this D-day anniversary. The children shared what they had learnt from recent assemblies and really tried to wrap their heads around the enormity of a war lasting 6 years and 1 day - longer than their whole time at Loughton School! They were saddened to hear the figures of more than 200,000 British soldiers being killed or wounded. They enthusiastically shared stories they had heard from family members about their great-grandparents serving in the war and answered any questions posed. The visit finished with a reflection about how important it is to be discussing differences rather than fighting with each other.