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Take One Book week

The year six children have started their year six journey this week with some excellent behaviour and hard work going on in all four classes.  There has also been some time to enjoy sharing their teachers' favourite books and taking part in an assortment of activities related to the stories. 

HB13 and HB15 have been reading "The Girl of Ink and Stars" by Kiran Millwood Hargrave and have produced "Missing" posters and fantasy maps. HB16 have been visiting Mrs Solloway's childhood favourite - the Moominvalley stories by Tove Jansson, learning how to draw some of the characters, acting out their own storylines and also producing fantasy maps. 

Miss Hearne has loved sharing her book with HB14.  Here is what she has written:

HB14 have been reading the book 'Can I Build Another Me?' by Shinksuke Yoshitake.  It is a wonderful, funny illustrated story about a boy called Kevin who reflects on his individualities in order to build a robot just like him to do all his chores! This week, the children have been creating their own version of the story, thinking about what makes them unique and special. Through discussions, we have enjoyed sharing anecdotes and information about ourselves and we have got to know everyone in the class much better! Our talks opened up discussions about identity, beliefs and heritage and I have been very proud of how respectful the children have been towards one another.

Have a look at the attachments below: