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Dunkirk and lighthouse making!

This week in theme, the children in year 6 have been learning all about Operation Dynamo, the evacuation of Dunkirk, and discussing whether it was a triumph or defeat. They have also been starting to create their lighthouses for their topic of electricity and light.

Year 6 have been enjoying our World War 2 topic 'From Darkness to Light'. History came to life during our ‘operations room’ lesson when the children were able to re-enact the strategies used at Dunkirk by the German troops. The children were asked questions such as: ‘if you were leading the allied forces, what would you do?’ ‘How did the troops escape?’ and, ‘Do you think Dunkirk was a triumph or a success?’ Year 6 have enjoyed this week with the creative activities and visual fun that has enabled history to be brought to life.

In science, the children have been assigned the task of creating a lighthouse! This links well with our current guided reading text 'Letters From the Lighthouse' and has got them thinking creatively about how to make a lighthouse. The children have been working brilliantly in their teams, developing their communication and teamwork skills. They will continue to make their lighthouses after residential week and create their electrical circuits to light them up! Stay tuned for the finished results...