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Eye of the Tiger/Zoo game

This week, the children have found more time to put their learning into practice in new and fun ways.

In order to practise some of the skills of closed questioning, the children played the zoo game in class. In their table groups, the children took it in turns to ask questions to discover which animal they were holding in front of them. We were very impressed with how much the children had learned about the characteristics of different living things and from the smiles on faces it was clear that this was a popular activity!

Since Christmas, two of the year six classes have been developing their dance skills and learning how to perform in character while putting together their dance routines. The theme was based around "West Side Story" which tells the tale of two groups of young people and the music was "Eye of the Tiger". 

Mrs Solloway watched HB16 perform their incredible routine on Tuesday morning this week and was very impressed by how well the children were able to stay in character with facial expressions and actions, keeping their movements with the rhythm of the music.

We wish you all a peaceful and safe half term holiday and look forward to seeing you on Monday 26th February.