Cooking Day and Keeping Safe

It's been another busy Friday!
All of year six have been channelling their creativity today by producing a feast which we all enjoyed this afternoon. HB15 kicked off the day by making a delicious bean chilli. Both of these involved a variety of cooking skills. They were followed by Miss Hearne's class, who also cooked a chilli but this time with Quorn mince. HB16 followed a simple recipe for a cheesy cornbread which involved weighing and mixing. HB13 finished off the day by chopping a variety of vegetables and herbs to make salsa and guacamole which added an authentic note to the finished dishes.
All four classes had the opportunity to practise their knife skills and keep safe while cooking. Everyone agreed that it had been a huge amount of fun and the food was delicious! Thank you to one of our enthusiastic children who said we should cater for the school's hot lunches!
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Amy from Hazard Alley Safety Centre who has delivered an incredible workshop to all four year six classes over the past two weeks. All the children have been able to fully take part in a specially designed session which fits in well with our current PSHE transition topic. We were impressed by the way the children joined in with discussions in a mature way. Well done everyone!