LS News
Please click the links below to see copies of LS News!
Written by the children - for the children.
Loughton School News (led by Mrs Solloway)
Mrs Solloway:
Children wishing to work on the LS News team will need to have a strong interest in all aspects of school life, be great communicators, be inquisitive and have some good computing skills. The newspaper will be written by the children for the children, producing the content each week in our team meetings.
Meet our newly elected LS news representatives:
Autumn term update:
A new year and a new LS News team! This year, we have hit the ground running with everyone enjoying lunch together once a week to talk about the important issues in school and discussing what we will choose to write about this year. The prospective parents' evening in November was a real highlight, enabling us to demonstrate to the visiting families how independent and creative our children are. We hope you enjoy reading the latest edition.
Spring term update:
This term, the LS News reporters have been working hard on two editions. They have enjoyed sharing ideas for their own stories with each other at our weekly meetings. The year 3 children have begun to find their feet and are loving being creative with their short reports. It has been wonderful to see all the reporters finding their own style, supporting each other and enjoying spending time together.
Summer term update:
It has been a very busy term in the Wednesday lunchtime LS Newsroom! All the reporters really got into the coronation spirit this term with a patriotic edition just after the bank holiday. They have all shown such independence and creativity with their reports, showing a determination to share their passions and interests with the rest of the school.
We said goodbye to the year 6s who have been the backbone of the newspaper this year with some superb writing and teamwork. We also hope that some of the other reporters will think about coming back for a second year. Thank you to everyone for your support and encouragement.
Autumn term update:
Due to the current situation in school, it has been difficult to get all the LS News journalists together weekly to begin putting together our first edition. Despite this, they have managed to send their articles, jokes and reports to put into our latest "online edition" which is now uploaded below for you to view.
Thank you to all the children who worked hard in their own time to contribute towards this edition.
Spring term update:
LS News is the school’s own newspaper, written by the children for the children. When we asked the class reporters what was so good about being involved, they said how much they loved being able to write about things that have been happening and do their own research. They also like being able to write things independently and being creative. Some of the children have been using paint 3D on the laptops to add interesting illustrations which we might use in future editions. One of our children has recently written an article about something she really enjoys doing at one of our lunchtime clubs – Scratch Jr. They love using the laptops each week to write their articles. They also get to spend time with children from other year groups which they say makes it more interesting. They can see the importance of learning useful skills which will help them in the future. One of the year six children said, “We get to inform the school about the things we know.”
Summer term update:
Our final editions for the school year were the best so far with all the children coming up with inventive stories and imaginative ideas for articles to entertain the school community. There was a lot of excitement and interest around the Queen's Jubilee celebrations and the year six pupils wrote some thoughtful pieces about moving up to secondary school. The whole team shared lunch in the final week and celebrated another year of LS News teamwork. Congratulations to everyone who was a part of the 2021-22 team.